
“The Message Empirical School” is a non-profit school under Adam Foundation Pakistan that was established in the year 2007,July 30. The creation of “Me” schools is in line with the motto of “Adam Foundation Pakistan” that is to serve Humanity through social reform via education. We are committed to the excellence and highest and achievements of students in terms of their intellect, knowledge, good practice and skills for 21st century. We strive for providing Muslim community in Pakistan with the latest knowledge by means of blending faith, Islam into it. “The Message Empirical Schools” encourage students to moral standards, respect and a healthy attitude to life using the best of their skills and potential. We teach students to be enquiring thinkers who can acclimatize and succeed in varying global society. The School starts at Grade K to Matriculation and expanding it to college and then university is in our plans. InshaAllah! We aspire to be the best Institutions creating well balanced and competitive human beings.

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Our Mission

Preparation of sincerely serving and tremendously leading teams of well educated and practically good human beings through empirical schooling, positive personality development and strong character building who may conquer the modern worlds with the best of their spirit, learning, performance, talent, valour, morality and firm Belief in the One and the Supreme power of Allah.

Our Vission

Every student at “Me” schools is the trust of his parents and Allah to the safe hands of the institute. "Me” schools are parenting orphans and serving education to all classes of the society beyond any sectarianism. providing strong and positive individuals to the society, we earn the pleasure of Allah through social reform.

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