Teach Each in A Masjid!

"AFP believes that the students of masjid and madaris should equally be treated like school students.They should be given opportunity to study modern education, sciences, Arts and litrrature.They must be provided career counselling and guided towards good fields for their life rather moving door to door with an objective of earning only though Qur'an.We need to lead them towards different fields of life.They have every right to dream.They can be successful scholars, doctors, engineers, scientists, soldiers and so on" says Soophea Sazz, vice President Adm Foundation Pakistan. Moreover she says "that every Imam in the masjid should be well aquainted with Science and Modern Education". AFP has initiated the project of

"Teach The Child in a Masjid !(mosque)!"where regular studies including Science, Mathematics, Languages, Computer and sports are included.

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